02 September 2009

Thanks for visiting !

I agonized over allowing ads to be placed on my site. After all, what self respecting Anarchist would promote Fascist Bully-Boys to ply their wares ? After looking at the site traffic, I was surprised and humbled. Beyond my faithful three followers there are a tremendous number of lurkers that visit my blog. To all of you, thank you for visiting my blog, your comments, your support and most importantly, your critique.

So, I decided to partner up with Google. Please tell your friends and family about my blog. Whether you love it, hate it or just can start the day without it, all proceeds from advertising will be donated to Rokpa International. This charity supports poor children in Tibet and Nepal and assists with everything from food and clothing to educational support. I researched charities for months before selecting Rokpa and am comfortable that they have the track record and strong finances to complete their objective.

Come on in and click away on those ads. Stick it to the man for the benefit of the little guy.

As a special incentive, I will match all site advertising revenues up to $ 500.00 for 2009.


  1. Sounds good. The only question is which ad do I choose? The "Sexy Tattoos" ad or the "Find out if my husband is gay" ad. Decisions, decisions.

  2. Hmmm, that last comment was a bit harsh. So I clicked on the Looking for Tech blogs ad, the Blogologues ad, and the Best WP Blog Theme ad. Do you know how much you get per ad-click?

  3. The account is still being approved by Ad Sense and I should know in about a week. I don't expect much, but it's a start !
